Kamis, 13 Januari 2011


          UAS getting closer and the lecturer have started to chase the target subjects. An assignment was not left behind from the UAS towards the compulsory routines. So many assignments make me confused to begin working on whichever comes first. Because of continued confusion to start which one assignment to do first, consequently everything was not done. The assignment had been neglected and ultimately will continue to accumulate. The problems of all this is lazy. Sometimes I think, when there are drugs sold in pharmacies lazy. With the hope I can cure this feeling lazy and can with the spirit of pre- UAS doing this. Hopefully tomorrow morning, all these lazy condition improved. At least some levels are reduced, so that I can repay all the piling assignment.

1. Chase: to run, drive, etc. after something in order to catch them.
2. Compulsory: that must be done because of a law or a rule.
3. Repay: to give something to somebody or do something for them in return for something that they have done for you.

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